Compilation: "Tape Report #1" - Die Ind
Records   Juni 12, 2024

Compilation: "Tape Report #1" - Die Ind

"This Is Not" and "Ballerinas of Manaus" was Monochrome Bleu's contributions to the "Tape Report #1" compilation with a 40 pages booklet.

Cover art by Leo Schatzl.

Label: Die Ind  014
Format: Cassette, Compilation, Limited Edition, C60
Land: Austria
Veröffentlicht: 1986

A1 –Gotthard Wagner* Hallo
A2 –Rick Rue* Other Voices
A3 –Psyclones The Games We Play
A4 –Problemist Hard Imprint
A5 –Problemist Save Children
A6 –Monochrome Bleu This Is Not
A7 –Monochrome Bleu Ballarinas Of Manaus
B1 –Controlled Bleeding Inch Head
B2 –Controlled Bleeding Under Fallen Arch
B3 –Josef K. Noyce Bali - Alternative TV
B4 –Josef K. Noyce Upbeat - Downbeat
B5 –Schlafengarten Royal Temptation
B6 –Viscera The River
B7 –Schlafengarten Adultry
B8 –Josef K. Noyce Hoodoo 1800, Crescent City

Tape Report   Die Ind   Leo Schatzl   Compilation   Tape   Magazine   Monochrome Bleu   Cover   1986  

Monochrome Bleu

The band is not active any more!

Monochrome Bleu (1982 - 1998)
Monochrome Bleu was formed by Wolfgang Dorninger & Thomas Resch in 1983. The band started as a kind of melodic industrial band and transformed later in a kind a industrial pop-band. In 1984 Leo Schatzl joined Monochrome Bleu to produce videos & install video-environments for the band. 1987 Peter Androsch joined the band as guitar player and also as composer. The band performed all over Europe and toured three times the USA (1986, 1989, 1992). Monochrome Bleu played live from 1982 - 1993 and released their last album "Done" in 1998.

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