DORNINGER live at 24 Hours, Feb 26th - 27th

Live / Streaming: DORNINGER at 24 Hours

DORNINGER live at 24 Hours, Feb 26th - 27th

January 26, 2022 - Reading time: 4 minutes

24 HOURS by Dorninger from Wolfgang Dorninger on Vimeo.

24 Hours

Sound artist Wolfgang "Fadi" Dorninger performs and streams live from his recording studio 24 hours a day - solo and with guests

Date: February 26th, starting at 7pm CET (Vienna time) till February 27th at 7pm

Buy your ticket here - it's only 10.-€ or 20.-€ for the 24 hour streaming show!

Who is playing:

  • DORNINGER - Sound Art project by Wolfgang Dorninger
  • Wipeout - Step into the dark side of club music!
  • The Smiling Buddhas - Techno, Ambient
  • DRKMBNT - Live act that makes music exclusively with self-soldered instruments and sound tools.
  • Monochrome Bleu - 80ies Industrialized Pop Band (Disbanded in 1993, the band plays a concert once every 10 years.)
  • Josef K. Noyce - Sings Shakespeare (The band was part of the international cassette movement in the 80s and broke up in 1994.)
  • Bruckmayr_Dorninger - Realtime 3-D and "algo" sounds

24 Hours Live / Streaming / NFT & The Studio

Corona has made one thing clear: live music is more than just a stage with a sound system and an audience in front of the stage. Since mid-March 2020 we are contorting how we will perform and communicate with our fans at the moment and in the future. That's why I'm working on a long and "loud" statement. Via streaming I present my musical output live in a 24 hour music marathon from my workspace, the Sonic Sound Studio, where new products (NFTs) are created at the same time. The listeners are immersed in a work of sound art, techno or bass music, played, algorithmically generated or created in a DJ mix. The sequence is designed in such a way that the listener can enter and exit without losing the thread. The work consists of three elements:


Wolfgang Dorninger and his long-time musical partners broadcast a global concert live for 24 hours from the Sonic Sound Studio in Linz. Only works by Dorninger and "his" bands will be performed live, mixed or algorithmically generated.


The 24-hour performance will be broadcast via video stream. To access the stream, you must buy a ticket in advance. Information is available here.

NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

There are several products of the 24-hour concert that can be auctioned by means of Non Fugible Tokens. During the 24-hour concert you can buy the whole Sonic Sound Studio including paintings, furniture and acoustic construction via auction. Details can be found here.

Further information at:

For more information: 24 Hours project page
Buy a ticket!


DORNINGER is a sound art and band project by Wolfgang "Fadi" Dorninger

// DORNINGER - soundart / music / crossmedia

THE ARTIST The German Wikipedia summarizes: "Wolfgang 'Fadi' Dorninger (* 1960 in Linz) is an Austrian musician, music-producer and artist. He composes music for movies, theatre, modern dance and sound-installations".