"Nasca, on perspective" - the second part of a trilogy

"Nasca, on perspective" - base (DVD / Digital)

"Nasca, on perspective" - the second part of a trilogy

June 21, 2006 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Dorninger "Nasca, on perspective"
code: 0606-11
release date June 21st 2006
format: DVD/Digital, duration 52 minutes
style: algorithmic live-video processing, electronic music with vocals & percussion
label: base
digital distribution: Feiyr, Bandcamp
physical distribution: base shop

"Nasca, on perspective" - the second part of a trilogy

keywords perspective: Nasca Code, Nasca lines, perspective, diagrammatic patterns, textile forms of structure, 2D > 3D transitions, impossible perspectives, algorithmic perspectives, modular perspectives, ....

keywords performance: Realtime 3-D, musical parameters trigger algorithmic animations, 3D-animation, interactive sound / image creation, algorithmic composition, drones, soundscapes, granular synthesis, ....

More information on the Nasca-Project.

Digital Downloads: Bandcamp

Buy a DVD

DORNINGER "Nasca, on perspective"

Second part of the trilopgy "Verschwinden / Perspektive / Utopia".
DVD. Price includes postage & taxes.

"Nasca, on perspective" live at OK Centrum Linz 2006


DORNINGER is a sound art and band project by Wolfgang "Fadi" Dorninger

// DORNINGER - soundart / music / crossmedia

THE ARTIST The German Wikipedia summarizes: "Wolfgang 'Fadi' Dorninger (* 1960 in Linz) is an Austrian musician, music-producer and artist. He composes music for movies, theatre, modern dance and sound-installations".