music with self-soldered sound tools

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Soldered at the Circuit Control Festival 2024

Again at Circuit Control in Dresden 2024.

4 minutes

Video: Stepper Motor Synth - a jam!

A short jam by DRKMBNT with his self soldered Stepper Motor Synth using the feedback function and two electro sniffer plus piezo mic on a spring.

~1 minute

Workshop: Stepper Motor Synth

I felt in love with the Stepper Motor Synth by Uwe Schüler and Ralf Schreiber!

2 minutes

My FX-Eurorack is finished!

My FX-Eurorack is nearly finished.

2 minutes

Already Soldered XIV

The Moduletta synth is a crossover between modular synthesizers and Lunetta circuits designed by Klaus Rintdorff.

6 minutes

Already Soldered XIII

IOIO by Noisio with a built-in Vortex Generator with an ATtiny LFO!

7 minutes

Already Soldered Pt. XII

FlipFloater Delay, my favorite delay designed by FlipFloater from Basel.

5 minutes

Live-Equipment for 2024!

Three boards with many small sound tools, my new live setup for 2024!

2 minutes


A birthday present "forces" DRKMBNT into the world of the Eurorack!

~1 minute