music with self-soldered sound tools

All Stories

DIY: Some repairs on Curetronic stuff!

Some repairs done on F_O_N, Bummmmssss and Ping Pong.

2 minutes

Already Soldered Pt. X

Already Soldered X - Flip Synth

7 minutes

Already Soldered Pt. IX

The ChaOsz, one of my faviorite synths!

3 minutes

Already Soldered Pt. VIII

Already Soldered: Motörbörd

7 minutes

Already Soldered Pt. VII

A Theremin designed by Uwe Schüler.

~1 minute

Live: TTO live at "Vom Hören und Staunen - Masse und Licht"

Konzertabend: Vom Hören und Staunen - Masse und Licht at Zirkus des Wissens JKU March 4th 2023

3 minutes

Music: New tune with the Benjolin V1-2

Late night jam with the Benjolin 1-2 by FlipFloater

~1 minute

Happy X-Mas and all the best for 2023!

Love, Peace, ....

~1 minute

Live: TTO Goes Theatre

Parts of The Tiny Techno Orchestra are acting in a play.

2 minutes