Live: TTO Goes Theatre

2 minutes
Live: TTO Goes Theatre

Wolfgang Dorninger plays three pieces with the Tiny Techno Orchestra in the play "Und da oben dazwischen die Sterne" (a World Premiere) by Gerhard Willert at Zirkus des Wissens at the JKU Linz.

Science & Ethics. Kepler and Galileo? There was something there. Stars and binoculars, mathematics and experiment.

Date & Time: 2.12. um 19:30, 3.12. um 16:00 und 6.12.2022 um 19:30
Place: Zirkus des Wissens
Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

The two gentlemen may have only corresponded with each other. Nevertheless, together they have considerably shaken the Western world view and prepared the ground for modern natural science.

They have clarified the question of the stars in the sky. But the in between? That between the stars? Divine harmony? Or the emptiness? Kepler inclined to the harmony. Galileo proved that the "void" exists - something thought impossible since the ancient Greeks. He knew what he was talking about.
But when Sister Maria Celeste, Galileo's eldest daughter, asked him for money for a room of her own long before Virginia Woolf: did he know what she was talking about?

So what does "knowledge" mean? Where does "knowledge" take us? And above all: how do we arrive at what and why?

These questions are explored by a couple of female artists together with a couple of female philosophers of the JKU in a performance.

Text & direction: Gerhard Willert
With Barbara Novotny, Julian Reiss and students of the Institute of Philosophy and Economic Theory
Stage: Alexandra Pitz
Music: Wolfgang Dorninger

Text: Willert

For more information:
Zirkus des Wissens