Compilation: ‎"Fadi The Sampler Linz #1" - Die Ind
Records   Dezember 15, 1984

Compilation: ‎"Fadi The Sampler Linz #1" - Die Ind

In 1984 Fadi Dorninger released his first release of "Fadi The Sampler Linz" on a C-60 tape on Die Ind in a box (Die Ind 006, 1984). Presentation with live concerts was on December 15th, 1984 at Stadtwerkstatt Linz.

A1 - Pankrott Revival Band (August Maly & Thomas Steiner) "Gruß aus Linz/Donau / Greetings from Linz/Donau)"
A2 - Post "Es war ein ganz ....grauslich"
A3 - Post "Tohuwabohu - Ein Muster hinterlassen"
A4 - Geza Eisserer "Zukunft"
A5 - Geza Eisserer "Geza's Swing"
A6 - Monochrome Bleu "Shino #1, #2"
A7 - Markus Binder "Hermann Wurzer"
A8 - Stadtwerkstattproduktion "Hommage für K.H.Klopf"
A9 - Thomas Resch "Send Me A Letter"
A10 - Fadi "He Is A Snakecharming Man"
B1 - Urfahrwändchöre "13.000 international unbekannte Sängerinnen und Sänger klingen"
B2 - Karl Heinz Klopf "Wien 3.12.1984"
B3 - Tommy Lehner - Gotthard Wagner "Marina Se Mangou Fore"
B4 - Tommy Lehner - Gotthard Wagner "Dr. Ekkehard Hemmerle's Sehnsucht aus dem Steifel mit Trommel Thomi"
B5 - Tommy Lehner - Gotthard Wagner "Re4ee4 Tokio Mit Schlusskadenz" (Re4.... ????)
B6 - Tommy Lehner - Gotthard Wagner "Serbische Bohnensuppe"

1984   Fadi Sampler   Linz   Compilation   Tape   Monochrome Bleu   Thomas Resch   Wolfgang Dorninger   Die Ind   Cover  

Monochrome Bleu

The band is not active any more!

Monochrome Bleu (1982 - 1998)
Monochrome Bleu was formed by Wolfgang Dorninger & Thomas Resch in 1983. The band started as a kind of melodic industrial band and transformed later in a kind a industrial pop-band. In 1984 Leo Schatzl joined Monochrome Bleu to produce videos & install video-environments for the band. 1987 Peter Androsch joined the band as guitar player and also as composer. The band performed all over Europe and toured three times the USA (1986, 1989, 1992). Monochrome Bleu played live from 1982 - 1993 and released their last album "Done" in 1998.

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