Photo / Poster: USA Tour 1989 Diary #2 Chicago
Photos   September 24, 1989

Photo / Poster: USA Tour 1989 Diary #2 Chicago

Algebra Suicide: Lydia Tomkiw (August 6, 1959 – September 4, 2007) was an American poet, singer, and songwriter, best known for her work with the band Algebra Suicide, along with her husband Don Hedeker. Lydia Tomkiw, died so young, at age forty-eight of natural causes in her apartment in Phoenix, Arizona. Rest in peace Lydia.

For those who want to get in touch with the music of Algebra Suicide, the album "Real Numbers" (Persuit of Market Share, 1988), recorded live at Link's Hall in Chicago, is a good record to start. You can find two more great albums of Algebra Suicide on Bandcamp. The photo with Algebra Suicide was taken in the same club after our show at Link's Hall in October 14th, 1989. I remember two warm-hearted and funny people who published good music with wonderful lyrics.

Dan Burke

Daniel Burke, mastermind of Illusion of Safety, hosted our performance at Batteries Not Included in Chicago on September 24, 1989. The story behind the photo: Dan took us to his favorite pizzeria and was totally outraged because we had paid the bill. Offended, he gave us our money back in the parking lot. Musical reference: Illusion of  Safety feat. Jim O'Rourke played an amazing concert at Batteries Not Included!

Both photos are stills from the video documentary "Monochrome Bleu USA Tour 1989" by Wolfgang Dorninger and Susi Jirkuff (camera)!

poster batteries not included

poster link's hall

1989   USA Tour   Dan Burke   Photo   Poster   Susi Jirkuff  

Monochrome Bleu

The band is not active any more!

Monochrome Bleu (1982 - 1998)
Monochrome Bleu was formed by Wolfgang Dorninger & Thomas Resch in 1983. The band started as a kind of melodic industrial band and transformed later in a kind a industrial pop-band. In 1984 Leo Schatzl joined Monochrome Bleu to produce videos & install video-environments for the band. 1987 Peter Androsch joined the band as guitar player and also as composer. The band performed all over Europe and toured three times the USA (1986, 1989, 1992). Monochrome Bleu played live from 1982 - 1993 and released their last album "Done" in 1998.

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