Insomnia – Vol. 1
Label: We Never Sleep – WNS 003, 1987
2 x Cassette
Land: US
Industrial, Experimental
A1 : Greater Than One - All The Masters Licked Me - 8:42
A2 : Maybe Mental - Tarramona - 18:49
A3 : Bourbonese Qualk - Black And Blue - 2:21
B1 : Systems Collapse - Sea Coal - 5:47
B2 : Haters Fiexcit - 6:52
B3 : We Never Sleep - War Against Sleep 4:09
B4 : Amnesia Quartet Let The Children In 2:56
B5 : Monochrome Bleu - Shino 6:09
B6 : Savage Republic - Siege - 4:11
B7 : Banned Production - Montage - 1:13
C1 : Human Head Transplant - Lythyn 18:10
C2 : Dine Forbate - Mind Wars 9:30
C3 : blackhumour - Put It This Way - 6:29
D1 : Savage Republic - Spice Fields - 6:37
D2 : Soul Merchants - Salt Of Sleep - 4:18
D3 : Helios Creed - Who Cares - 5:07
D4 : Unknown - Religion - 9:19
D5 : Architects Office - AO 365.2 6:19
A great compilation compiled by Paul Dickerson of We Never Sleep. Printed by Independent Project Press.
Monochrome Bleu at SR-Archiv Österreichischer Popularmusik
Monochrome Bleu at Wolfgang Dorninger's homepage
Monochrome Bleu at Tap-Mag Archive
Monochrome Bleu at Dorf TV
Peter Androsch
The Smiling Buddhas
DORNINGER (band page)
Josef K. Noyce
Dorninger at Vimeo
base[records] at Bandcamp
The band is not active any more!
Monochrome Bleu (1982 - 1998)
Monochrome Bleu was formed by Wolfgang Dorninger & Thomas Resch in 1983. The band started as a kind of melodic industrial band and transformed later in a kind a industrial pop-band. In 1984 Leo Schatzl joined Monochrome Bleu to produce videos & install video-environments for the band. 1987 Peter Androsch joined the band as guitar player and also as composer. The band performed all over Europe and toured three times the USA (1986, 1989, 1992). Monochrome Bleu played live from 1982 - 1993 and released their last album "Done" in 1998.
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