Album: "The Alps" - base (CDR/Digital)
"The Alps" - the third aural travelogue by The Smiling Buddhas! And we're pleased that some great DJs and producers are reviewing our new album well!
December 11, 2013 - Reading time: 7 minutes
The Smiling Buddhas "The Alps"
code: 1312-17
release date Dec. 2013
label: base
format: CD/Digital
style: ambient, soundtrack, minimal techno
"The Alps" - the third aural travelogue by The Smiling Buddhas!
Having gained spiritual insight into the hidden kingdom of Lo in Mustang, Nepal ("Lo", base 2008), The Smiling Buddhas traveled and hiked through the Atacama desert in Chile and Peru ("Atacama", base 2012). "The Alps" (base, 2013) is a journey back to the days of child- and boyhood in the Austrian Alps. Tracks like "Snow Melt And Wet Avalanches" bring us close to huge spring avalanches thundering down nearby. "Wintersun" is about relaxing in front of an alpine hut, listening to the sound of birds, avalanches and silence. Later, we'll find The Smiling Buddhas skiing down the very steep Temelberg Ostrinne ("Seconds Before Steep Ski Run!"). In "Thunder and Lightning near Stuedlhuette", you can come along on an a fast fearful walk up to a save alpine hut, the Stuedlhuette - high pulse and proximity to death! In "Snow Snow Snow", the Buddhas get stuck for five days in a hut in the middle of the Gosaukamm. Years later, they ski down Großer Sonnblick to the Rojacher alpine hut with Firngleiter ("Sking Down Großer Sonnblick (9941 ft altitude)"). In "Nordwand", they dream of the Eiger northface, while in "Falling", Fa-Di 'soundtracked' his one and only fall into the rope: Silence, just air underneath his feet, 300 meters above ground, no fear. Then a fast climb upwards, pushed by heavy loads of adrenalin.
Hun-Fa-Di: electronics
John Fitzpatrick: electronics
First Feedback!
ooh, which fantastic tunes! this album is amazing. seconds before skiing... and thunder and lightning... are sooo good! also nordwand and falling (Heike Reich / Zuendfunk), Tripped out shit.. love it,.. (The Advent / Labyrinth, Kombination Research), brilliant soundscapes, perfect for a midnight drive along the CA - 1. Love it. (Rob Simas / Magnetic Mag), totally addicted to the beautiful dark melodies (Vamparela / Local Suicide), what a fantastic music! i love it i really love your level of abstraction mind. (DEAS / Secret Room Records/Deeperfect/Baroque), Great one, Thunder And Lightning Near Stüdlhütte is Amaze!! (DJ Nori/Posivision), AWESOME ALBUM. (Greencross / Different Is Different Records), Tranquillity and good taste. Awesome. THX (Felipe Espinosa Meneses / Medellinstyle), ....
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